ref: 863643a2d38deac403d0c84e09b993d3d279f9d0
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CREATE KEYSPACE yats WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} AND durable_writes = true; CREATE TABLE metric ( id_client text, mtime timestamp, name text, value text, PRIMARY KEY ((id_client,name),mtime) ); CREATE TABLE event ( id_client text, etime timestamp, name text, PRIMARY KEY (id_client,etime) ); CREATE TABLE client ( id text, name text, created timestamp, PRIMARY KEY(id) ); CREATE TABLE metric_info ( id_client text, name text, description text, PRIMARY KEY (id_client,name) ); CREATE TABLE position ( id_client text, ptime timestamp, lat double, lon double, name text, PRIMARY KEY (id_client,ptime) ); CREATE TABLE sources ( id_client text, name text, type text, app text, description text, PRIMARY KEY (id_client,app,type,name) ); CREATE INDEX ON sources(id_client); CREATE TABLE location ( hash text, lname text, lon double, lat double, code text, cdist double, PRIMARY KEY (code,cdist) ); CREATE TABLE location_label ( hash text, ltype text, name text, PRIMARY KEY (ltype,hash) ); // select * from location where lat='' and lon='' // select * from location where ltype='' and code='' order by cdist CREATE TABLE location ( ltype text, code text, cdist double, hash text, lat double, lname text, lon double, PRIMARY KEY ((ltype, code), cdist) ) use case: 1) actual fixed locations ---> index with H3 + precision (or maidenhead + precision) 2) position points on a path with id_client and optionally a timestamp : no space partitioning select * from location where hash='x' select * from position where id_user='x' and timestamp>'x' CREATE TABLE position ( id_client text, ptime timestamp, lat double, lon double, name text, PRIMARY KEY (id_client,ptime) ); |