ref: 7edfde59d82dadfc7e938a2b569f17474c396f52
#! /bin/bash # X509crypt (x509crypt) is Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Paolo Lulli, Kevwe Technology AB # # This file is part of x509crypt. # # x509crypt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # x509crypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.x509crypt GLOBAL_CONFIG=${CONFIG_DIR}/config DEPENDENCIES="qrencode openssl" setup_global_config(){ echo "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Global Security/OU=IT Department"> ${GLOBAL_CONFIG} echo "Created config file: [${GLOBAL_CONFIG}]" exit 1 } test -d $CONFIG_DIR || mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR test -f $GLOBAL_CONFIG || setup_global_config generate_keys(){ echo "GENERATE KEYS" profile=$1 CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile} organization=$(cat ${GLOBAL_CONFIG}) openssl genrsa -out $CONFIG_DIR/$profile/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key 4096 openssl req -batch -new -key $CONFIG_DIR/$profile/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key \ -subj "$organization/CN=$profile"\ -out $CONFIG_DIR/$profile/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.csr \ -signkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key \ -out $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt } export_key(){ profile_name=$1 CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile} test -f $CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key.enc && echo "ERROR: File already exist: [$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key.enc]" test -f $CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key.enc && exit 1; genpassword=$(uuidgen) echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "secret key password:[${genpassword}]" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" qrencode "${genpassword}" -t UTF8 openssl rsa -aes256 -in $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key -out $CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key.enc -passout pass:${genpassword} echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "secret key path:[$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key.enc]" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" } dependencies_check() { for d in $DEPENDENCIES; do CHK=$(which $d) if [ "$CHK" = "" ]; then echo "missing deps: [$d]"; exit 1 fi done } export_certificate(){ profile_name=$1 CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile} cat $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt } dump_certificate(){ profile_name=$1 CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile} cat $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt | openssl x509 -text } setup_profile(){ echo "SETUP PROFILE" profile_name=$1 test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/conf || mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/conf test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs || mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs } file_decrypt(){ #echo "FILE DECRYPT: $1" test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || echo "profile: [$profile_name] does not exist, EXIT" test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || exit 1 decrypted_file=$1".cleartext" CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile_name} openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key -passin pass:your_password #openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key } file_encrypt(){ #echo "FILE ENCRYPT: $1" file_size=$(du -s $1 | awk '{print $1}') # if [ ${file_size} -gt 500000 ]; then # echo "File too big to encrypt with smime" # exit 1 # fi encrypted_file=$1".enc" CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile_name} openssl smime -encrypt -binary -aes-256-cbc -in $1 -out $encrypted_file -outform DER $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt # NOT BINARY ! #openssl smime -encrypt -aes-256-cbc -in $1 -out $encrypted_file -outform PEM $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt } file_import(){ echo "FILE IMPORT: $1" imported_file=$1 CONFIG_CERT_NAME=${profile_name} test -f $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt && echo "profile: [$profile_name] exists, SKIPPING" test -f $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt && exit 1 test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs cp ${imported_file} $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt } list_profiles(){ echo "profiles" echo "--------" for i in $(ls $CONFIG_DIR | sed -e s/config//); do echo ${i}; done } usage(){ program=$(basename $0) echo "${program}-e : Encrypt (safety checks)" echo "${program} -E : Encrypt " echo "${program} -d : Decrypt " echo "${program} -g : Generate keys" echo "${program} -x : eXport pub key" echo "${program} -s : export private key" echo "${program} -X : eXport pub key details" echo "${program} -i : Import pub key" echo "${program} -l : List profiles" } dependencies_check if [ "$#" -gt 3 ]; then usage exit fi if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then usage exit fi if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then list_profiles exit fi if [ "$2" == "-x" ]; then export_certificate "${profile}" exit fi usage fi if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then profile=$1 if [ "$2" == "-g" ]; then test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile && echo "profile: [$profile] exists, SKIPPING" test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile && exit 1 setup_profile "${profile}" generate_keys "${profile}" exit fi if [ "$2" == "-x" ]; then export_certificate "${profile}" exit fi if [ "$2" == "-s" ]; then export_key "${profile}" exit fi if [ "$2" == "-X" ]; then dump_certificate "${profile}" exit fi usage fi if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then profile_name=$1 input_file=$3 if [ "$2" == "-E" ]; then file_encrypt $input_file exit fi if [ "$2" == "-e" ]; then file_encrypt $input_file file_decrypt $input_file".enc" diff $input_file $input_file".enc.cleartext" || echo "ERROR: BAD ENCRYPTION" rm $input_file".enc.cleartext" exit fi if [ "$2" == "-d" ]; then file_decrypt $input_file exit fi if [ "$2" == "-i" ]; then file_import $input_file exit fi usage fi