
commit 767fed68de92a7e57ea2af49c497bed101afaaa7

Author: Paolo Lulli <paolo@lulli.net>

add Readme

 README.md | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 x509crypt | 6 ++++--

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..2ad0f430388b56448bd757af265748fb639ce73a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# X509Crypt
+X509Crypt is a script to encrypt files that makes use of PKCS#7 and public keys from a recipient's X509 certificates.
+The encryption schema is the same adopted for S/MIME encrypted emails.
+With X509Crypt you can encrypt a file in a format that only the desired recipient will be able to read/decrypt.
+## Motivation
+Have a simple mechanism in place for encrypting backups without publishing a private key.
+Remote machines can encrypt the data on a backup server without disclosing the content and the private key,
+which is sensible information.
+In this way it is possible to host on the same storage content that is encrypted for distinct recipients
+without disclosing the keys.
+Each recipient cannot decrypt a message that is not aimed at them, recipients can only decrypt their own data.
+In a modern 'Cloud' scenario you cannot really trust the provider not to disclose the data, in this way,
+only the legit owner of the information is able to decrypt the data: either who encrypted it in the first place,
+or the legit recipient.
+The server part is only responsible for the data persistence, but not for the content itself, which is sole
+ownership of the user or service that detains the proper decryption keys.
+## How does it work
+X509Crypt works on top of Openssl commandline and uses the 'smime' subcommand with binary optioni.
+This actually means it is usingi the PKCS#7 / CMS encryption scheme.
+- RSA is used for the keypair generation
+- AES-256-CBC is used for the encryption
+## Commandline Options
+x509crypt <profile> -e <file> : Encrypt <file> (safety checks)
+x509crypt <profile> -E <file> : Encrypt <file>
+x509crypt <profile> -d <file> : Decrypt <file>
+x509crypt <profile> -g        : Generate keys
+x509crypt <profile> -x        : eXport pub key
+x509crypt <profile> -s        : export private key
+x509crypt <profile> -X        : eXport pub key details
+x509crypt <profile> -i <file> : Import pub key
+x509crypt -l                  : List profiles
+## Licensing
+The code is freely available under GPL License
+see: [COPYING](/x509crypt.git/tree/master/COPYING)
+Additional commercial support and licensing are available on request. Just issue a [support request](https://kevwe.com/message)
+and mention you are interested in [cert-signer]()

diff --git a/x509crypt b/x509crypt
index 0fcbc9962ebc754dc2280b9339d3d82643122a86..cc51175bddae47faf2258b79be4e68c706d552a2 100755
--- a/x509crypt
+++ b/x509crypt
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@   test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || echo "profile: [$profile_name] does not exist, EXIT"
   test -d $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name || exit 1
-  #openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key -passin pass:your_password
-  openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key
+  openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key -passin pass:your_password
+  #openssl smime -decrypt -binary -in $1 -inform DER -out $decrypted_file -inkey $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.key
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@
   openssl smime -encrypt -binary -aes-256-cbc -in $1 -out $encrypted_file  -outform DER $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt
+  # NOT BINARY ! 
+  #openssl smime -encrypt -aes-256-cbc -in $1 -out $encrypted_file  -outform PEM $CONFIG_DIR/$profile_name/certs/$CONFIG_CERT_NAME.crt